
Showing posts from June, 2019

Conflict or Communication?

It's really easy to get into a contentious trend with your family, they are so close to you all the time and they do things that are irritating on a consistent basis. And we can't seem to get them to stop doing those irritating things even with the subtle hints we drop. Sometimes when we make decisions together we feel like we get undermined or underappreciated like our opinion doesn't matter at all. most likely we will blame it all on poor communication. So how do improve our communication? Most of us participate in some sort of power struggle for whose opinion is better or more important, perhaps we even take turns on decisions. There is a much better way to do things. What about if people would discuss things and be more open! Wow, mind bomb... wait I guess that just makes sense. If we would work together on our problems and come to an agreement instead of trying to be on top of the decision tree. If we take our turns talking and listening things will go so much more s

Devastating or Edifying

The world is full of good and bad people, good and bad events, and a lot of heartaches. We lose loved ones, young and old, and lose our possessions or jobs. People endure starvation, deprivation, abuse of every kind, and all imaginable undesirable events. Some people and families crumble and spiral out of control or distance themselves. Understandable to be sure, life is hard for a lot of people and its a lot easier to remove yourself from the problem or remove the problem from you. Often that can take the form of running away or avoiding close connection. It's so easy because we often have our own individual default responses. It's a sad truth that when the seas get tempestuous a lot of people decide to jump ship on their loved ones. I'm not condemning them like I said it isn't easy to go through hard times, especially for those who endure things like loss of a child or infidelity. But I do think they miss out on a wonderful opportunity. The easy way is sometimes the v

Men vs. Women or Men and Women

This one will be a little more of a tender subject, I like to think I am a middle of the row guy on this subject. Women and men (or Men and women) are different on a biological level. Sorry to all you people who want to pretend we are completely equal in every way. But that means that women are better at some things than men and men are better at some things than women. The issue is that we think that if everything isn't the exact same for everyone then it is unfair... if that is unfair then nothing is fair because even if you work really hard to make it all even, people experience things different from each other so you can never get things perfectly even. I'm also not saying that a woman's place is in the home, making food either. Lets just all get the bitter cup of truth down and move on. One of the differences is in how romance goes for men and women. Men really like to get intimate to feel like they are coming closer to a woman but women want to feel close before the

Is the Wedding Day a Joy or a Nightmare?

For men this is a little bit easier to relate to, okay perhaps most women won't like what I have to say at all but oh well. The wedding day is a day dreamt of by people for good portions of their lives, plans are made by some people before they are even fifteen years old. They know what they want to wear and what the theme will be and the colors assigned to the day. It is a day of felicity! Then six months or so before the big day the real planning, and paying for, starts and felicity says bye. Arguments start and relationships are strained. It isn't always the bride and groom either, in-laws can become enemies during this time. Since the planning can be the big problem all woes should be over when the big day comes and the time for planning is over... right? Wrong this is the crescendo of troubles! How could this be, we have been dreaming of this day and how wonderful it is going to be since we were kids and since we have started drooling over each other. It's not the in-l