Populations, Overrun or Undervalued?

How many of us have seen a movie or read a book where the antagonist (or protagonist depending on what you think) thinks they are the hero because they are trying to save the species or something by killing a ton of people? Hands, hands anyone? If you have been watching popular movies in the last year you have. Most people are familiar with the movie Infinity Wars (great movie by the way) Thanos the baddest of the bad wants to kill half of the universe! How evil and terrifying right? Thanos doesn't see it that way and neither do some people who you walk by on the street. A book by a man named Paul Ehrlich titled "The Population Bomb" outlined the dangers of overpopulation with regards to resources, specifically food and water. This lead to many people believing that having many children was actually immoral. "Immoral, can you believe that!?" is what some of you might say. But how many of you have had the thought that you aren't sure you want to bring kids into this depraved world of violence, starvation, crime, and immorality? Yeah, I bet a few of you have, and sure why not, the world is messed up and it just seems to be getting worse (especially if you read the news and their craze for the bad and sensational stories out there) but is that really the solution to the problem? No, it's not. I promise it isn't going to help the world get better if people like you, who worry about the situation, decide not to have kids. We need people who are good and conscientious to have more kids and to raise their children to be the same. The world does have a lot of problems with people killing each other and disregarding our beautiful planet, caring more about profits than people and other living things, so help repopulate the Earth with people who do care about life and families. If we turn tail and run because the situation is grim then we are acquiescing to what we detest, your job isn't to clean all the air on Earth or soften the hearts of murderous fiends, it's to outgrow them further down the road. Change takes time people, it always has, often generations are needed to make a difference but if we don't do our part and make our next generations bigger than those who do harm then we will keep losing. Some people might say "We already have too many people and too many mouths to feed!"... Sorry, you are wrong. There are places in the world where people go hungry each night but that does not happen as much in the places where people worry about overpopulation. Industrialized nations like Great Britan and the United States are some of the places where they think there are too many mouths to feed and not enough to go around and that it is only getting worse. Truth is that in places like these we are facing the opposite problem. The average woman in the United States has 1.8 children in her lifetime. Demographers, the people who study demographics, tell us that in order to maintain any population the fertility rate needs to be at least 2.1 per woman. While it may not look like it now, we are heading for a big decrease in the population. Other places have statistics that are more troubling. But even beyond the statistics on the number of people, how much food do you think gets thrown away per year in the US? Ready for it? 1.3 billion tonnes of food is one of the numbers out there. Not million billion... So is it really that we don't have enough food to go around? We even have farmers who don't use their land for years because we want to control the price of food and to preserve the soil, so we don't even grow as much as we could. Still think there isn't enough to go around? We even have way more land than people generally think, there are over 7 trillion square feet of land in the State of Texas and there are around 7 billion people on Earth, you do the math... we all fit. Obviously, it is unrealistic to stick all people in the state of Texas, but it shows how much space we actually have here, way more than we think. Don't buy the overpopulation farce, instead buy food for someone who needs it.


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