Parenting Important? And Styles

I know being a parent is seen in a not so good light these days, like its detrimental to fun and life enjoyment but parents play a huge role in society. Obviously, no one would exist if no one was willing to be parents but beyond that we need people to be good parents and we need more people to be parents. Most of the major ills of the world could be solved with generations of good parents. Perhaps one of the issues is that people have lost the answer to what are the reasons or purposes of parenting.

What do you think they are? I’m sure you could google it and find a ton of answers out there but what about your own conclusion? If you can’t come up with a solid answer then you might be looking for the reasons or purposes of parenting. As part of my belief in a Higher power I believe one of the purposes of parenting is to raise good, loving, and righteous members of society. Especially our global society. We have a responsibility to instill in children love, respect, and compassion. While at the same time being firm in standing for what is right and what they believe and know to be true. There is a lot that can go into that but at the same time I think it speaks for itself.

Some professional psychologists have tried to come up with their own answer that they feel is broadly acceptable and it seems to be. Parenting is to raise up successful and thriving individuals. This captures a wide range of values and ideas out there, accommodating them in a very good way I think. But how do we do that is the most important question. Sure, a lot of people understand that parenting needs to improve and the plethora of self-help parenting books (bleh) out there testifies to how many people are looking for good methods or practices. Read all the books you want and you might pick up a few things but rarely will they rock your world and blow your mind. Here is one plan or method that at least is off to the right start in my opinion. Active parenting.

Active parenting has a bunch of videos and a website that can help any parent or parent to be feel a little more prepared and capable. They teach about the best way to communicate and listen to teenagers especially. It’s easy to fall into the traditional “I’m the parent that’s why!” mode of thinking. One of the things they point out is that doing so treats children as if they are incapable of understanding reasons or that you have no good reason so why listen. They are adults in training, take them off the training wheels sooner rather than later. That doesn’t mean be harsh but include them and teach them to cooperate when decisions need to be made. This is doing things like asking them what they feel might be an appropriate consequence for doing something against rules. Rules also should not be completely arbitrary, they should make some sense and good reasons should be given, they may not understand them at the time but they know there is a reason.

Children need a lot less and a lot more than a swift kick in the pants to set them off on the right foot. Control your anger parents and cooperate with your children, if you treat children like adults in training then you’ll get more childish and frustrating behavior. For those who aren’t sure what they should do as far as parenting goes give active parenting a try. If you just type it in google you’ll find something. Try and incorporate what they talk about and see what happens. And for those who have trouble children… you need this kind of stuff; sometimes best intentions lead us to dig a really hole that is hard to get out of.


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